What Makes a Great Designer
Every single designer's dream is to become like their mentor designers. All mentor designers are really great at what they do. But the question is, What did it take them to become the mentors we know today?
15+ years of practice.
While we want to have their expertise as soon as possible.! (which is not going to happen).
I realized that in order to become a great designer, all I have to do is stop
Blaming difficult clients
Seek outside validation
Think I know it all
Wasting time mocking Comic Sans
Instead, I'll
Learn to deal with clients
Self validate
Admit there's a lot to learn
Spend time learning and sharpening new skills.
What Makes a Great Designer
Every single designer's dream is to become like their mentor designers. All mentor designers are really great at what they do. But the question is, What did it take them to become the mentors we know today?
15+ years of practice.
While we want to have their expertise as soon as possible.! (which is not going to happen).
I realized that in order to become a great designer, all I have to do is stop
Blaming difficult clients
Seek outside validation
Think I know it all
Wasting time mocking Comic Sans
Instead, I'll
Learn to deal with clients
Self validate
Admit there's a lot to learn
Spend time learning and sharpening new skills.
What Makes a Great Designer
Every single designer's dream is to become like their mentor designers. All mentor designers are really great at what they do. But the question is, What did it take them to become the mentors we know today?
15+ years of practice.
While we want to have their expertise as soon as possible.! (which is not going to happen).
I realized that in order to become a great designer, all I have to do is stop
Blaming difficult clients
Seek outside validation
Think I know it all
Wasting time mocking Comic Sans
Instead, I'll
Learn to deal with clients
Self validate
Admit there's a lot to learn
Spend time learning and sharpening new skills.
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© 2024 Design by @brightmartins